
  • Cheeman Abdulkarim Qarani Department of chemical and petrolchemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University- Erbil Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Mohammed Jawdat Barzanjy Department of chemical and petrolchemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University- Erbil Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ziyad Jamil Talabany Department of Petroleum Engineering, college of Engineering, Knowledge University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Wastewater; Oil and grease; Separation; Dissolved air flotation.


The present work deals reducing the oil spill pollution by the treatment of oily wastewater in Kawergosk oil refinery. This research evaluates the efficacy of dissolved air flotation in treating manufactured water samples attained from Kawergosk oil refinery. Percent removal into effluent before and after treatment concerning oil content, COD and BOD are determined. Process factors administering the execution of dissolved air flotation in the reducing of oil and grease are initial oil concentration, pH, and flow rate is investigated. In the dissolved air flotation experimentations, highest oil removal is 85%. The optimum pH for maximum percent removal is 9 with flow rate of 88 m³/hr, and 92 m³/hr. Related to COD and BOD maximum percent removal obtained when pH values are 8–9. In addition, the results indicated that the parameters as initial oil concentration, pH and flow rate have a direct effect on the air flotation process in the handling of wastewater.


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How to Cite

Cheeman Abdulkarim Qarani, Mohammed Jawdat Barzanjy, & Ziyad Jamil Talabany. (2020). REDUCING OIL POLLUTION IN KAWERGOSK OIL REFINERY EFFLUENT. Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 32(5), 26–35.