A comprehensive survey on congestion control techniques and the research challenges on VANET
Congestion control technique, congestion detection technique, Connected vehicles, V2V, VANET.Abstract
The nature of vehicular mobility and high speed of vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) with dynamic change in the network topology let the vehicular remain as one of the most challenging problems in vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) communications. Information dissemination is the major problem in VANET with a fixed bandwidth which is causing congestion on the resources, such as channels and affects the performance of the important application, especially when the emergency or secure transmission of messages is exchanged between the vehicles-to-vehicles communication. To mitigate these problems and introduce a safe vehicular environment in urban and highway, congestion detection and control has been considered and with various strategies and techniques which is take the attention of researchers in VANET. In our survey we mentioned recent techniques and approaches which is used in congestion detection and control and applied different matrices and parameters which is used to evaluate these approaches. In addition, the study also explained the limitation and problems that face the current congestion detection and control schemes, finally we present various solution approach and future expectations in vehicular communication.
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