Comparison of Specific Wear Rates of Austenitic and Super Austenitic Stainless Steels at High Temperatures
S30400, S31254, Specific wear rate, High temperature, SEM, XRD, Oxide phaseAbstract
Due to the relatively high wear rate of the austenitic stainless steel S30400 and the high mechanical properties of the super austenitic stainless steel S31254, it was possible to compare the wear behavior of the two alloys and select the best alloy to extend the service life of sliding parts. In this work, wear tests were performed at five different temperatures (30°C, 140°, 300°C, 460°C, and 570°C) at constant sliding speed, applied load, and sliding distance for both alloys. The specific wear rate of S31254 was more than 50% lower compared to S30400 at the different temperatures, except at 570°C, where it was only 16%. According to scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, oxide formation on the worn surfaces started at 300°C and increased with increasing temperature. The oxide layers protected the surface and reduced wear and material removal. Overall, S31254 exhibited better wear resistance at various temperatures.
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