Bioremediation of Oily Wastewater by Using of Bacteria ( Bacillus subtilis)
bioremediation, degradation, bacteria, hydrocarbons, oil wastewater.Abstract
This paper is trying to arrange to develop the efficiency of the wastewater treatment system of a petroleum refinery (Namely KAR Refinery) by using bacterial (Bacillus subtile) bioremediation treatment. Wastewater samples have been collected from system output from October 2018 to March 2019. After the collection of the sample, the author treated the samples by adding different weights of powder bacteria (5,10, and 15gm) to 10 L of wastewater samples. Oily wastewater samples were examined before and afterward treatment for phosphate (PO4), total hardness, ammonia (NH4), chloride (CL-1), and analysis for hydrocarbons by using GC-MS. The results indicated the effectiveness of 15 gm of powder bacteria's best use of wastewater bioremediation technique caused a decrease in the value of hydrocarbon affectedly.
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