Molecular Marker Study for Hyles euphorbiae (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Genes in Erbil Province
COI, COII, mtDNA, Hyles euphorbiae, Multiplex PCR.Abstract
The Hawkmoths consisting more than 1,500 species over worldwide in 200 genera. The family sphingidae is splitted into two taxonomic categories which is sub-family sphinginae and macroglossinae. The mitochondrial genes sequence commonly used for taxonomic phylogeny due to maternal inheritance and less degradation. The aim of the present study was the taxon identification of Hyles euphorbia among other level species of this genus. Sixteen Hyles (eight males and eight females) were use and then DNA was extracted from insect anterior abdomen. Multiplex PCR was performed for amplification of specific targeted sequence DNA in mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II genes. The Hyles euphorbiae was successfully identified and this corresponds to the amplification of sixteen specimens of targeted DNA fragment with using a group specific primers that covering the targeted sequence between 277 bp and 280 bp. The present study was concluded that the Hyles euphorbiae exists in Kurdistan region and Multiplex PCR can be done for this reason.
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