An Investigation into the Current Situation of Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Construction Projects in Erbil City, KRG, Iraq
Building Information Modeling(BIM); Barriers; Motivation; Construction ProjectsAbstract
Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitates sharing all participants during the project’s lifecycle management by providing shared digital resources for all stakeholders. This study carried out during 2018-2019 as an attempt to understand the current situation and to identify the potential barriers factors facing the BIM implementation in Erbil city, Kurdistan Regional Governorate (KRG)-Iraq. The results analysis of collected data revealed that only 58% of respondents had heard about the BIM against 42% had never heard about BIM. While a majority of 79% said that they had not used BIM; against only 21% said BIM used by their companies. The results of the analysis city showed that the top five significant barriers and obstacles factors encounter the implementation of BIM was the lack of conducting training courses for learning BIM techniques in Erbil city comes in the first rank. Whereas poor education syllabus and training courses in universities and governmental centers in the second rank. While, the Lack of supportive environment by the parties involved in construction and have an impact on the development of construction projects came in the third rank, and poor planning and a coordination with considerations for proper implementation and innovation management in the fourth rank, the lack of experts and technical staff in the field of BIM came in fifth ranks. The primary contribution of this study is to enhance awareness of the benefits of adopting BIM in the construction sector in Erbil city.
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