Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Chickpea and Wild mustard as Influenced by Intercropping in Different Row Proportions
Intercropping, Growth, Yield Components, Relative yield, Row: Species Ratio.Abstract
A field experiment was conducted at Grdarasha Experimental Farm / College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences / Salahaddin University – Erbil, located at (36.2o N, 44.1o E and elevation 470 m) during the winter season of (2016-2017) to study the performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) in intercropping. Seven treatments were initialized from combination of either single, double or triple (row: species) were arranged in a standard replacement series. Aiming to study growth, yield and yield component of wheat (A), chickpea (B) in the presence of the invading wild mustard weed (C), which is the common invader weed in the area. Wheat species possessed the highest significant mean values of plant height (123.0 cm), spike length (13.9 cm), grain yield (182.0 g plant-1), straw yield (752.5 g plant-1), while wild mustard showed superiority in all studied traits except in silique length and grain number. silique-1.
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