Accessibility to Urban Parks by disablers: A Case Study on a Main Park in Erbil


  • Kardo N. Kareem Department of Horticulture, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Accessibility, Urban Parks, Disability, Erbil


Quite a large number of Iraqi – Iran war victims as well as casualties of Kurdish revolution since 1961 now making a noticeable ratio of the disablers population in Kurdistan of Iraq. In fact, recent uprising also did contribute in raising the number of the injured and handicaps within Kurdish community. Actually, all these people almost got no easy way for participating in entertainment within this park, or any similar parks in Erbil (Hawler). All these are because of lack of suitable road and even special gates within such parks. In fact, even babies and nurseries are in need to such gate and ways that is absent so far. A review of the actual design and pointing out the stages of establishing points in this respect will be the goal of the present study for such and other parks in the region in order to reduce the existing gaps in designing, planning and in constitution of any parks. Present study is concentrating on the effect on disablers, the psychological and physical effects on crippled individuals, and the effects on disability institutions. Sami Abdulrahman Park is one of Erbil's largest parks, present study's primary goal is to build a system that addresses issues with disabled people's access to these parks. According to studies, the existence of inaccessibility is routed, and cities are referred to eliminate it; design measures with interior locations are then used to suggest presenting options. Using sketches, photos, and interviews, researchers record the park's landscape design sites—entrances, streets, pedestrian crossings, parking lots, ramps, urban furniture, etc.


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How to Cite

Kardo N. Kareem. (2024). Accessibility to Urban Parks by disablers: A Case Study on a Main Park in Erbil . Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 36(4), 47–54.



Agricultural and Environmental Researches