Molecular Diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in livestock using cox1 gene in Erbil Provence- Kurdistan Region/ Iraq
F.heatica, Cox1 gene, phylogenetic tree, Erbil Province .Abstract
52 Fasciola hepatica worms (22 sheep, 3 goats and 27 cattle) from livers and bile ducts were collected. The prevalence rate of Fascioliasis was 7.28%, 3.37% and 10.19%, respectively. Among the three hosts regarding the sex, females of sheep and goats show a higher infection rate than males (4.3% and 2.25% versus 2.98% and 1.12%). Simultaneously, the prevalence rate was slightly higher in female cattle (5.28%) than male cattle (4.91%). Used the adult worms for DNA extraction followed by PCR amplification. The sequences of amplified products were identified under accession number (MT951586) of sheep were 99.51%, and (MT951587) of goat was 99.75% homologous to Iranian goat Fasciola hepatica (KF992219). Furthermore, the cattle Fasciola hepatica (MT951585) was 99.2% homologous with the reference of Iranian goat. Using phylogenetic tree analysis, isolated F. hepatica in sheep, goats, and cattle is positively related to various global F. hepatica.
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