Barriers to the Adoption of Industrialized Building System in Iraqi Construction Industry
IBS; Iraq; Construction industry; Barriers; Modern building systemsAbstract
Iraq construction industry is about to experience an increasing number of new projects. With the economy slowing over the past few years, the need for residential projects and infrastructure still as priorities. Meeting these needs will be challenging, and cash out will be in high range if the construction industry still uses the conventional construction method. The significant features and factors were created based on an extensive literature review of previous research studies in developed and developing countries (68 research papers). Iraq adopted the Industrialized Building System (IBS) approach in the last decades in a few projects, some challenges stand against the continuous adoption of (IBS). Also, many studies record some challenges that prevent the application of IBS in their countries. This study paper discusses the barriers and strategies to adopt IBS in the construction industry of Iraq that are related to the importance of construction development within the context of modern building application. The methodology based on structured hypotheses that employed an online data collection and a total number of (111) questionnaire forms collected from the experts, professionals, and engineers involved in Iraq's construction industry. The questionnaire survey results addressed the barriers, and by using SPSS (statistical package for social science), the researcher correlates the presence of these barriers with hypotheses and demonstrates that the IBS adoption in Iraq suffered a lack of governmental support, money, knowledge, and expertise. Moreover, the related internal productions for successful IBS applications indicated a need to advertise and support the modern construction system by the role of public and private sectors.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Zaid Mohammed Hatem , Mundher Mohammed Alsamarraie , Alhamza Yassin Flaih, Ammar Mohammed Oda

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