Influence of Vitis vienefera L. Cultivars on Some Physicochemical Characters and Enzyme Activities of Soil
grape, cultivars, soil enzyme.Abstract
This study was carried out in order to evaluate the impacts of grape (Vitis vienfera L.) cultivars on soil physicochemical and enzyme activity.The soilsamples at root zones of various grape cultivars ( Kamala, Kshmishy, Rashmiry, Doshawe, Halwany, Rashme and Bedenka) were collected in four different farm conditions. The experiment was designed in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates. The results revealed non-significant variation (p≤0.01) among grape cultivars for( pH, organic matter% and water content% )of soil the total mean value (7.50, 16.55% and 11.41% were recorded respectively while Bedenka cultivar has recorded a highest porosity cultivars and the total mean value of all cultivars was (23.31%)However there was a significant variance among cultivars in soil electrical conductivity the total mean of all cultivars is( 222.14µ which not cause soil salinity .there was not significant variance recorded in soil enzymes among the grape cultivars for each (urease µgN.g-1 soil ,dehydrogenase µgTPF.g-1and catalase). Rashme cultivar has a highest dehydrogenases value of soil statistically compared to other cultivars and the total mean value of all cultivars is (116.67 µgTPF.g-1,).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Shakar Jamal aweez , Sakar Abdulqadr Saheed, Snowber Muhamad Ahmed

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