Climatic Parameters Use for Evaluating Water Budget and Drought Analysis in Erbil Sub-basin, Kurdistan Region, Northern-Iraq
Water Budget; Runoff analysis; WMS; Drought analysis; SPI.Abstract
Major theoretical and practical hydrological issues may be solved using methods to maintain water balance. Evaluating the climate characteristics and environmental circumstances to be employed in the methods of water managing approach used in the Erbil sub-basin, northern Iraq, is the primary goal of this study. The studied area is a part of the region influenced by the Mediterranean climatological system. The climatic parameters of the research region were evaluated using the climatic data collected in the Erbil meteorological station for the period 1980-2022. The research result shows that the mean annual rainfall is 411.26 mm/year and the average monthly relative humidity is 41.12 %, the mean temperature is 20.62 °C, mean sunshine duration 8.35 hr./day and annual pan evaporation is 1200.96 mm / year. Potential evapotranspiration considered by Thornthwaite method is 1588.94 mm. The water surplus and deficit are 216.14 mm and 1393.81 mm, respectively. The surface runoff calculating from soil conservation system (SCS) technique which is about 86 mm / year and groundwater recharge is about 130.14 mm / year. The groundwater Budgets is about 187661880 m3 / year. The climatic situation in the area is variety from winter its wet to the summer its dry climates. Also, it could be measured that the climate in the area is determined was (Humid to very humid). The draught index according to SPI analysis show that the drought was observed during Moderately drought in (1983, 1999, 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2021) to severely drought in (2022.
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