Effect of plantation depth and density on the growth and yield in sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Strut)
Nelder design; planting depth; planting density; Zea mays L; kernelAbstract
The study was carried out to determine the differences in vegetative and yield characteristics of sweet corn (Zea mays L.). at different plant density and planting depths using Nelder wheel design, this design is used to create a continuous pattern of plant densities through sowing seeds on the circumference of concentric circles of varying radians, whereas five plant densities in addition to two buffer circles were sown at different depths., conducted according to a RCBD with Nelder wheel design in four replications for the both location Grda-Rasha and Hamza-kor regain in Kurdistan- Iraq. The result of the research shows that Hamza kor location was dominant in most studied traits over Grdarasha location. While different depths had no significant effect on the studied traits. It was determined that plant density positively affected each of node pedicel-1 and internode pedicel-1 of sweet corn. Nelder design is often applied to minimize the necessity of areas required area for the experiments, due to their simplicity and wider range of scale; Nelder circles are excellent for basic spacing for operational plantations.
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