Evaluation Of the Safety Management System of Building Construction Projects: A Case Study of Erbil Governorate.


  • Aksana Jihad Mohammed Department of Civil Engineering, Erbil Technical Engineering College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Construction projects; Project management; Safety; Safety management; Safety procedure.


Any organization linked with construction needs to apply suitable standards, procedures, and structures to support the right acts by all the involved construction structures that are related to health and safety. This paper evaluates the safety management procedure of building construction projects by rating the importance of safety management factors and calculating the average practice. This has been done by conducting a case study of (94) projects constructed during 2013-2023 by designing a questionnaire that represents a successful plan of 49 factors of seven phases for a safety management system. And delivering it to stakeholders who worked on those projects. The results of the study show that the average practice of safety management is 61.27%, which is unacceptable. The typical safety management process falls between 37.54% for initial planning and 79.93% for precautions before scaffold implementation. The results revealed that the shortage in practicing safety management stages is noticeable in all building construction projects, especially for initial planning with a rate of practice of 37.54%, and the use of personal protection equipment with a rate of practice of 47.41%. There is a lack of practicing safety procedures. A team for emergency issues is rarely available in addition to the shortage of first aid centers. There are not enough medications in case of accidents. Also, the workers are not using suitable protection equipment often. There must be an emphasis on the issue of safety management in future construction projects.


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How to Cite

Aksana Jihad Mohammed. (2024). Evaluation Of the Safety Management System of Building Construction Projects: A Case Study of Erbil Governorate. Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 36(4), 94–110. https://doi.org/10.21271/ZJPAS.36.4.10



Engineering and Computer Sciences