Investigation of the Mechanical Properties for Polymer Reinforced by Nanoparticles with Considering Viscoelasticity of the Matrix
Viscoelasticity, Nanoparticles, Nanocomposites, Finite Element Numerical Analysis, Micromechanical ModelAbstract
Nanomaterials have shown more interests to the field of nanotechnologies. Polymeric nanocomposites combine the lightweight and low cost of manufacturing for polymers with nanoparticles of higher performance properties.
The aim of this paper is to find the mechanical properties of nanocomposite of polymer reinforced by nanoparticles with considering matrix viscoelasticity. The viscoelasticity of the polymer was obtained from the experimental tests for the thermoplastic polymer of Poly ether ether Ketone (PEEK) at a range of temperatures and frequencies. The viscoelasticity of the polymer was confirmed by comparing the experimental results with a finite element model. The approved viscoelasticity was used for the matrix of the nanocomposite numerically.
To obtain the mechanical properties of the nanocomposite, a micromechanical model was developed. It was used to find their homogeneous mechanical properties with range temperatures. It was found that the viscoelasticity have effect on mechanical properties for the nanocomposite, and the modulus of the nanocomposite increases with nanoparticle content. However, it decreases as the temperature increases.
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