Influence of Ion Pairs and Activity on the Index of Irrigation Water Quality Relying on Some Modern Terms in Erbil Governorate. *
Water Classification; Ion pairs; IWQI; Water Resources; Irrigation Water.Abstract
The research was done in Erbil governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region in both times of sampling (June and October 2020) to determine a quality index of irrigation water (IWQI) for 354 water samples depending on (EC, SAR, CROSSo, MCAR, SP, RSC) parameters before and after correcting ion pairs and ion pairs plus activity. The results indicated the effect of correcting ion pairs and activity on the values of the above parameters which caused an increase in the values of SAR and CROSSo for different water resources in both wet and dry seasons. On the other hand, the above corrections caused a decrease in MCAR, SP, and negative value of RSC, for the water of rivers, springs, and wells in both seasons of sampling. The studied water resources were classified using IWQI depending on the above parameters in both seasons. The results indicated that 74 and 55 water samples have excellent class before correcting ion pairs and activity for wet and dry season respectively, while the water for 77 and 54 samples had excellent class after correcting ion pairs plus activity for both seasons respectively. While (27, 39) and (28, 39) water samples had the good class before and after correcting ion pairs and activity for both seasons respectively. Water samples for (14, 10) and (15, 5) locations have an average class for the wet and dry season before and after correcting ion pairs plus activity. The 62 and 73 water samples had poor class in wet and dry seasons before correcting ion pairs plus activity respectively and 57 and 79 samples had the same class after correcting ion pairs plus activity for both seasons respectively.
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