Documentation of Historical City Using Oblique UAV Imagery: Case Study of the Traditional Terrace of the Jewish Neighbourhood in Akre.
Documentation, UAV Photogrammetry, Oblique Images, Akre Historic city, Traditional Terrace form, Jewish Neighbourhood.Abstract
UAV photogrammetry is a crucial technique for conserving cultural heritage sites, particularly oblique images. However, studies on this method are limited. The Jewish Neighbourhood in Akre, with its significant historical and architectural value, needs urgent documentation to prevent further deformation. This article aims to present the methods and techniques of data acquisition and processing to document the traditional terrace form of the Jewish Neighbourhood. UAV was used to capture 337 images at an altitude of 40 meters with a tilted camera angle of 45 degrees. Agisoft Metashape photogrammetry software was used to process the images and produce a 3D digital surface model of the buildings, quantitative and qualitative methods were carried out to assess the accuracy of the deliverables. In addition, Global Mapper and ArcGIS software were used to drive more documentation details that would serve to set the required operational guidelines to preserve the traditional terrace form of this site. Results show that the accuracy of the produced 3D model is high and further proves that UAV photogrammetry using oblique images is an effective technique for documenting such complex historical sites.
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