Management Factors Affecting Nitrogen Content, Cell Wall Thickness and the Fiber Diameter of the Kenaf Fibers (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)
Natural fibers; Improving; Industrial applications, Hibiscus cannabinus L., Fertilizer, Fiber Morphology, Fiber Improving.Abstract
Two field tests have done in 2013 and 2014 on two kenaf varieties: Fuhong-952 and 4383 at University Putra Malaysia which was to investigate the effect of preharvest factors of nitrogen content in the cell wall of the fibers. Different types and doses of fertilizers were used as preharvest factors, which was potassium as muriate of potash at the rate of (0.0, 100 and 150 kg/ha), was added to the plants in two different growth stages, halve dose at planting day and others' after planting by three weeks. At the second time of application boron and zinc added at (0.0, 1.0, 1.5 and 0.0, 5.0 kg/ha, of borax and zinc chloride), respectively. Besides that, during the second field test just FH-952 as plant material was selected, other levels of zinc were added which was to display its impact of quality characteristics. The best result of nitrogen content (4.82%) was achieved for FH-952 when potassium was added at the high level, nevertheless 4383 was when potassium, boron and zinc were applied at the rate of (150, 1.0 and 5.0) kg/ha, respectively by (3.33%). Changing of nitrogen content caused to increase cell wall thickness, so the biggest result of the cell wall thickness was recorded again when potassium was added alone at a high level (150) kg/ha, which was by (7.73 μm) of FH-952 variety. K, Z and combined treatments; K×Z, K×B, and K×B×Z were significantly affected fiber diameter. During the second experiment zinc performances caused to achieve tough fibers which was possible for using as biocomposite materials
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