Analysing the Pollutants Dispersion in Erbil City-Kurdistan with Support of Statistical Analysis.
Pollution,Air Contamination,Wind,Metrology;EPAAbstract
Most of the countries in the world are suffering from the air pollution problem, including both developed and developing countries, due to their urban expansion and overpopulation. Erbil has seen a significant expansion in its population. This was complemented by significant progress in a variety of sectors. The increase in numbers of power generators and increasing the number of cars lead to an increase in the number of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. This study is concerned with the analyses and evaluation of our air quality in gaseous Pollutants such as CO, NO, NO2 O3, and SO2, then compare the concentrations of these gases with the allowable limits issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The dependence of ground-level ozone levels was modelled using statistical analysis and the multiple linear regression approach. The data were obtained from the Board of Environmental Protection and Improvement, Erbil-government-office for 2015 to 2018, which includes the concentration of the pollutants mentioned above and metrological conditions such as (wind direction, wind speed, temperature, air pressure, the relative humidity for the same period. The results show there was some increase in air pollutants. The best prediction equation (R2 = 0.671) presents the dependence of ozone concentration in Erbil city depending on data for two years (2015 and 2016) by utilizing multiple linear regression analysis. The following software was used to analyze and plot the data (Microsoft Excel 2013, WRplot V.7.0.0 and SPSS version 14).
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