Association of kisspeptin with thyroid hormone levels in patients with hyperthyroidism in Erbil city
Hyperthyroidism, Kisspeptin, Thyroxin, SBP, DBP, BMIAbstract
Background: Hyperthyroidism is a pathological disorder in which excess thyroid hormone is synthesized and secreted by the thyroid gland. There is a few studies ndicate a correlation between the levels of T4 and blood pressure with Kisspeptin hormone levels ,therefore the present study is focusing on the evaluation of kisspeptin in hyperthyroid patients and its association with systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate, and body mass index (BMI)
. Materials and methods: The study included 80 participants from both sexes who were divided into two groups Group 1 Including healthy subjects and Group 2 Including 40 hyperthyroid subjects. Results: The results showed significant differences in the concentration of the T4 and kissiptin hormones between control and patients with hyperthyroidism On the other hand, concentration of Kisspeptin significantly and negatively correlated with DBP .While negative non-significant correlation existed between , SBP, MAP level and kisspeptin concentration . The cut-off value for Kisspeptin was found to be >20.2 with good sensitivity and specificity, indicating its potential use as a diagnostic marker for hyperthyroidism in females. Conclusions: These findings highlight the potential role of kisspeptin as a diagnostic marker for hyperthyroidism, particularly in female patients
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