In Vitro Evaluation of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Peel Extract against Candida krusei as an alternative agent to antifungal medicines
Candida krusei, Nystatin, Pomegranate, LC–MS/MS, EconazoleAbstract
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC) is a fungal infection of the genital mucosa caused by Candida spp. This is an investigation on the isolation of Candida krusei from cervical-VVC patients in Erbil hospitals, Iraqi Kurdistan, and its identification using Chromagar medium. In this study the Susceptibility test of antifungal medications and plant extracts against C. krusei isolates were assessed by disc diffusion and agar well diffusion method, respectively. In disc diffusion method C. krusei showed various susceptibility ranges against the tested antifungal drugs: Econazole (8mm), Ketoconazole (12mm), Miconazole (10mm) and Nystatin (14mm), while in agar well diffusion method it has been showed higher susceptibilities values against ethanol and aquatic pomegranate peel extract, (15mm) when compared to antifungal drugs. As a result Pomegranate peel is an antifungal alternative that can be used to treat C. krusei. According to the LC–MS/MS Technique, both ethanolic and aquatic pomegranate peel extracts were analyzed by Mass Spectrometry and yielded many compounds such as high amount Quinic acid (ethanol: 114.574, water 97.94) mg. analyte/g. extract and Ellagic acid (Ethanol 14.604, Water 48.314) mg/g. extract, while very low amount of Luteolin (E0.005, W0.005) mg/g. extract, Naringenin (E0.007, W0.005) mg/g. extract and Apigenin (E0.003, W0.002) mg/g. extract.
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