Anatomical Comparison of the Stem and Leaf in Some of Onobrychis Mill. (Fabaceae) Species in Kurdistan region-Iraq
Cross section, Midrib, Onobrychis, Outline, Paraffin, Stem, Taxonomy.Abstract
In the current research, the anatomical characteristics of stem and leaves cross sections of 11 species belong to the genus Onobrychis Mill. have been studied. From this study, some anatomical features, such as the outline of stem and leaves cross sections are described, and the differences were determined among them. The epidermis trichomes, collenchyma, cortex, xylem, and phloem layers of the stems were measured toward the pith and there was a variation between the studied species. The upper and bottom epidermal layers were labeled on the leaf. The variations of midrib outlines, main vascular bundles shapes and their characters among the studied taxa microscopically have been determined.
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