The adoption of the Internet of Things in E-government towards the Smart Government
Smart government, IOT, e-government, smart ServiceAbstract
The Internet of things (IoT) has given exceptional changes to all contexts in our lives, as the data can be collected and informed by smart devices in a real-time. E-government appears to be one of the many IoT application settings that can greatly benefit from the use of IoT, reforming and enhancing public services. The adoption of IoT in e-government encompasses a number of risks and challenges, including technological and non-technological issues that have to be resolved in order to create effective services and applications. This paper aims to propose a framework for smart government (SG) based on IoT usage. Also, it offers an inclusive overview of the key challenges and opportunities accompanying these new communications technologies in various disciplines. The findings indicate that IoT has a wide range of potential advantages, which suggests that IoT facilitates efficient knowledge management, sharing, and collaboration across domains at all levels of the organization.
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