Humanitarian notification and its role in protecting humanitarian Organizations


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Hani Abdullah Omran Department of Legal Management Techniques, Technical Institute of Babylon، Babylon , Iraq, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
  • Lecturer. Qasim Madhi Hamzah Department of Legal Management Techniques, Technical Institute of Babylon، Babylon , Iraq, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University



         Despite the great vital importance of humanitarian organizations as well as other health facilities such as hospitals; In protecting and assisting civilians in times of armed conflict; They are often attacked and harassed on a regular basis, by multiple armed parties, either intentionally or recklessly, all of which amount to war crimes under international humanitarian law. To avoid such attacks, and because reality necessitates the presence of humanitarian and military parties in one place and one arena; It was necessary to search for a means that could prevent the occurrence of such assaults and attacks on humanitarian agencies, which is known as Humanitarian notification, which is based on the exchange of information, locations, and movements that humanitarian agencies provide with their military counterparts, to prevent and avoid the occurrence of repeated attacks and improve protection for humanitarian organizations, and this is what the report indicated. The Geneva Agreements of 1949, in ensuring the freedom of movement of humanitarian activities and taking all necessary precautions to avoid or reduce losses to humanitarian workers, facilities and equipment, as well as relief supplies.                                     


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How to Cite

Omran ه., & Hamzah ق. (2024). Humanitarian notification and its role in protecting humanitarian Organizations. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics گۆڤاری زانكۆ بۆ یاساو رامیاری, 22(Special), 303–316.


