Plebiscite as a Means to Enjoy Statehood Iraq’s Kurds Plebiscite in the Shade of the Iraqi Constitution and International Practice
The idea that consists of the right of a people or a group could be incumbent of legitimate entitlement to enjoy a statehood, is already existed since the early years of the 20th century.
However, certain people have been conferred a positive entitlement to enjoy their own statehood. Those people are not only having the possibility to do that without breaching any rules of international law, but they literally have a right upon the international law to do so.
A referendum or plebiscite is considered as one of the peaceful means of exercising the right to self-determination, and a referendum or plebiscite is consistent with developments by the international community and the enjoy statehood, and it is considered one of the favorite tools of the United Nations Organization.
This research aims to highlight the concept of referendum and plebiscite then the importance of it as a peaceful means to enjoy statehood. Moreover, is to exemplify and evaluate the most important features and legal impediments to the Iraqi Kurds plebiscite in 2017 from the legitimacy point of view in relation to the international law and the Iraqi constitution.
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