Artificial Intelligence Data and Ownership Challenges


  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hussein Al-Dikhil Departmentof Law, College of Law,Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq



 This research sheds light on the content of artificial intelligence data in terms of definition, elements, characteristics, types, and emphasis that it is each of the multiple electronic media that connects from any source to one of the artificial intelligence technologies, and the extent of the possibility of it being a subject of traditional and intellectual property rights, and the jurisprudential opinions in this regard, especially the opinion that It goes to the possibility of applying traditional ownership rules to it, and the opinion that holds that intellectual property rules are the closest to it, and the third opinion that confirms that it is better to adopt collective ownership over it, and then arriving at the conclusion that all of these opinions are inaccurate and the necessity of amending traditional ownership provisions to suit ownership of data. Artificial intelligence, stressing the need for countries to arm themselves with the technologies that enable them to do so.


أولاً:ـ المصادر باللغة العربية

أـ الكتب

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ب ـ البحوث والدراسات

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جـ ـ القوانين

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ثانياً:ـ المصادر الاجنبية

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How to Cite

الدخيل ا. خ. ح. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Data and Ownership Challenges. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics گۆڤاری زانكۆ بۆ یاساو رامیاری, 22(Special), 60–79.


