Two Bet on Protection and Investment in the Kurdistan Forest Law in Iraq and the Moroccan Forest Property Protection Decree - A Comparative Study-


  • Prof. Dr. El Kessab, Hassan Faculty of Sharia and Law, Ibn Zohr University, Kingdom of Morocco



The research presents a comparison between the Iraqi Kurdistan Forest Law - Law No. 10 of 2012 - and the Law of Preserving the Forestry Property of the Kingdom of Morocco of 1917. It is a horizontal comparison between a law that belongs to the last generation to enact it and another that is considered one of the first environmental legislations. The study attempted to manage this comparison at three levels of the desired protection components, which are legal protection of the forest property, injunctive protection, and then protection of environmental sustainability. The study concluded that there is a complementarity between the two laws, revealed by shortcomings in one of them that are considered strengths in the other. Whether at the level of legal drafting or at the level of legislative effectiveness.


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How to Cite

EL Kessab ح. (2024). Two Bet on Protection and Investment in the Kurdistan Forest Law in Iraq and the Moroccan Forest Property Protection Decree - A Comparative Study-. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics گۆڤاری زانكۆ بۆ یاساو رامیاری, 22(Special), 80–98.


