The Anti-Cybercrime Law in the Syrian Arab Republic and the difficulties of implementing it


  • Dr. Asala Kewan Kewan The scientific stage/ Dean of the Faculty of Law / ASPU- Al Sham Private University / lattakia doctor of private law،lattakia, Syria.



Despite the great advantages achieved by the information revolution that the entire world is experiencing at all levels and in various areas of contemporary life. On the other hand, this growing technological revolution was accompanied by a number of negative repercussions due to the misuse of this advanced technology and its exploitation to facilitate the commission of many criminal phenomena. Indeed, this technology was exploited to commit new crimes that would not have occurred without this technological revolution.

Crime is a social phenomenon linked to humans and has been known since ancient times. Its forms have developed and become complex and its methods and means have diversified with the progress of societies, and with the technological revolution that we are experiencing in the present era, the phenomenon of crime has taken on an international dimension and has become transcontinental and not just countries, which requires reconsidering the internal legislation of each country and keeping up with it. This huge development. In this study, we will briefly attempt to explain the development of Syrian legislation and how it has dealt with the development of the phenomenon of cybercrime, by presenting the cybercrimes introduced in Syrian legislation.


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How to Cite

Kewan أ. (2024). The Anti-Cybercrime Law in the Syrian Arab Republic and the difficulties of implementing it. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics گۆڤاری زانكۆ بۆ یاساو رامیاری, 22(Special), 357–376.


