Disabling the Provisions of the Iraqi Constitution (2005)Analytical study


  • Dr.Soran Ali Hasan Faculty of law/ Soran University




One of the most crucial criteria for approving what the principle of the rule of law requires, through which the will of the rulers can be assessed as they work to consolidate good governance is the commitment to the constitutional rules by all the institutions making up the public authorities as the highest legal rules in the country. This responsibility, though, takes many more forms besides outright constitutional infractions. Instead, you occasionally see rulers avoiding their constitutional duties to create constitutional institutions, particularly when it comes to the accomplishment of their twisted will monopolizing power, and in the context of that they actually resort to obstructing some constitutional provisions that were at the core of their responsibilities within the framework of state administration. When we look at the Iraqi Constitutional organization (2005) and its implementation, there are several practical steps and efforts to abolish some of the constitutional provisions by the general legislative, executive and judicial authorities. In this study, we have tried to discuss and analyze the practical direction of the three public powers at the level of federal constitutional institutions, through the numerical division of the science into two main parts, the first part is devoted to the theoretical framework and the second part is devoted to practical efforts.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ali Hasan, D. . (2023). Disabling the Provisions of the Iraqi Constitution (2005)Analytical study. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics مجلة زانكو للقانون والسياسة, 21(34), 129–150. https://doi.org/10.21271/ZJlP.21.34.7


