Plagiarism Policy

ZJLP employs Turnitin to assess manuscripts for plagiarism. The acceptable range for similarity is 25%, artificial intelligence 5% with a maximum rate of 5% per article. The originality of all articles is checked for plagiarism using an enormous database of websites and academic publications. Therefore, ZJLP emphasises academic honesty and integrity. It highlights the ethical aspect of academic study by declaring plagiarism dishonest. Highlights that even one sentence without a citation is considered plagiarism.
Using others' ideas and efforts without credit is dishonest. Every line from a manuscript or published work without appropriate citation is plagiarism and may violate copyright laws.
In ZJLP, authors can only submit submissions that substantially overlap with their work with adequate references. Originality is required for each entry. ZJLP journal manuscripts must be original and not previously published. During submission, authors must declare simultaneous publishing submissions.