Parliamentary diplomacy and its importance to the Kurdistan Region


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Omer Hamadamin Nuradeni College of Law and International Relations / Lebanese French University
  • Lect. Ahmed Babakr Ahmed College of Law and International Relations / Lebanese French University



        A number of factors and objectives have contributed to the development of the idea and concept of parliamentary diplomacy in the field of contemporary international relations and foreign policy, the most important factor is the progress and spread of media globalization and the impacts and necessities of openness and interaction among all countries with each other. One dimension of recent dynamic diplomacy aims to strengthen negotiation and cooperation, relationships between people and representatives, and exchange ideas, experience and expertise, as well as, disseminate culture and democracy dimensions around the world. Furthermore, enhancing international and regional cooperation for development and the establishment of international peace and security, and eliminating the threats to humanity, such as, natural disasters, and climate change, poverty and unemployment, violation. 

In this research, the concept of parliamentary diplomacy is studied and its characteristics are determined. Additionally, discuss about defining instruments this type of the diplomacy, which occasionally appear as parallel and public diplomacy involving multiple parties. On the other hand, concentrate on the internal and external goals of parliamentary diplomacy. At the end of the research, a brief summary of the conclusions and recommendations are presented, in particular, the recommendations on how to use and engagement parliamentary diplomacy in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq as a non- state actor. On peak of the objects, protect itself as a political and constitutional entity within the Iraqi federal state framework.




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How to Cite

Assist. Prof. Dr. Omer Hamadamin Nuradeni, & Lect. Ahmed Babakr Ahmed. (2024). Parliamentary diplomacy and its importance to the Kurdistan Region. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics گۆڤاری زانكۆ بۆ یاساورامیاری, 22(36), 157–176.


