The effect of meaning guidance approach on the ego identity of fencing players in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Yadgar Saeed Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Azima Abass Salahaddin University-Erbil



Curriculum, guidance in meaning, ego identity, fencing


Logo counseling is one of the counseling schools, which is the human orientation that follows the applications of existential therapy, also it is considered as an effective method in psychological counseling and wider field than existential therapy because of its successfulness in developing technics in practicing counseling throughout the organization of human direction concern which study humans in terms of spiritual experience as well as biological and mental structure capable of growth, change and sublimation. (Frankl, 1976, 75). The study aims to identify the differences in self-efficiency, ego identity and lunge speed and accuracy for experiment and control groups in pre and post tests for sample players. The experiment approach is used in the study which appropriates with the nature of the research, the study population consists of senior fencing players in Kurdistan Region of (2020-2021) with a total number of (70) players distributed on (16) sport clubs, the researcher divided the population into two groups, first group for consists of (11) clubs used for scale development included (45) participants, second group included (5) clubs with (20) individuals. The researchers concludes that there is clear effect of logo counseling program prepared by researchers in developing self-efficiency and ego identity of experiment group, and there is a lack of psychological counseling instructions led to nonsignificant differences of control group individuals. In addition to the efficiency of self-efficiency scale for fencing players in Kurdistan Region – Iraq. Therefore, the researchers recommended conducting furthers for the same variables on older samples and for both genders in addition to supporting various curriculums and activities of ego identity while research one of the best methods contributes in improvement and development.


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