The effect of balance exercises with neuromuscular coordination in the aquatic environment and natural surfaces in developing some physical abilities and triple jump activity achievement
Balance exercises, water medium, natural surfaces, triple jumpAbstract
The current research aims to prepare balance exercises with neuromuscular coordination performed in the water environment and natural surfaces and to know their impact on developing some physical abilities and achieving the effectiveness of the triple jump. To achieve this goal, the researcher used the experimental approach using the equal groups method. As for the research sample, the researcher identified her research community, which is represented by the emerging players in the arena and field specializing in the triple jump event in the Holy Najaf Governorate for the year (2021-2022), which are (12) players, as the community was divided by lottery into three equal groups, with (4) players for each group. Then the researcher determined the variables of the study after presenting a set of variables to experts and specialists through a questionnaire form that the researcher prepared, and accordingly the physical capabilities (the explosive power of the two men, the power distinguished by speed for the two men) were determined, and then the researcher conducted the pre-tests on the research sample.
For the purpose of achieving the hypotheses, the researcher applied the exercises prepared on the sample of the first experimental group performing balance exercises with neuromuscular coordination on natural surfaces, while the sample of the second experimental group performed balance exercises with neuromuscular coordination on natural surfaces and within the aquatic environment. As the curriculum included (16) training units that were applied within two months, two training units per week for each curriculum, then the researcher conducted post-tests on the research sample and after obtaining the results, she used the statistical bag (spss) to process the data and show the results. Accordingly, the researcher concluded that the second experimental group was more developed than the other two groups in terms of physical abilities and achievement in the triple jump.
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