Legislative intervention to confront computer and Internet crimes


  • Prof.Dr. Rizgar .M. Kadir Department of Law, College of Law, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hawkar Omar Ahmed Ministry of Justice




      Any scientific and technological development is linked to a set of problems in the life of society and individuals as well. Although this scientific or technological development contributes to facilitating daily life and reducing efforts exerted in business and works, it may also bring with it troubles and problems that did not exist before or were present but in less severe or less effects forms.

     This is true in case of scientific and technological development in the field of computers and the internet, as this development has served and serves humanity to the fullest extent, but at the same time it brought with it many problems.

  With the emergence of problems in the life of society, the involvement of the law is a undisputed fact, and the first question in this regard is whether the existing provisions can cover those new problems that appeared with the technological and scientific development. Hence, this research came to address this question in the field of computers and the internet, and whether the existing punitive provisions can cover the various types of criminal behavior that are related to the use of the computer and the internet. The answer to this question entails an important result; the intervention of the legislator, whether by enacting new laws or amending existing laws or not, and the scope of the aforementioned intervention in the event that such interventions is thought as necessary


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How to Cite

.M. Kadir, P. R., & Omar Ahmed, H. (2023). Legislative intervention to confront computer and Internet crimes. Zanco Journal of Law and Politics گۆڤاری زانكۆ بۆ یاساورامیاری, 21(34), 25–43. https://doi.org/10.21271/ZJlP.21.34.2


